Sunday, September 30, 2012

Fall Adventures

I am not as good with getting the blog up on the weekends. It is a good thing because that means I'm too busy doing fun things! This weekend has been really great! Although I worked Friday afternoon, and all day today, I made some money and had fun.

After having a very crappy week of fashion, I decided to shower and put some effort into my outfit. Dressing nice to me makes me feel good, which gives me more self-confidence, and puts me in a better mood. Some may call me a diva (my Taylor friends, you know who you are), but it makes me feel better to be clean and look my best. The other part that I enjoy is following fashion trends, shopping for what I want, and putting together unique outfits that not everyone would think of. I try not to completely follow the crowd. Making a subtle statement is fun for me :).

Blue button-up shirt, dark jeans, black boots, cream leather jacket. 

Statement necklace from Forever 21.

New studded bracelets (one of my favorite purchases of my shopping day). 

Friday after work I got to spend some time shopping with Courtney. We went to Kenwood Mall and enjoyed a successful and relaxing shopping trip. We took our time in many stores and came out with a fashionable fall wardrobe! Can't wait to wear the items that I got! I loved every one :). We went on a hunt to 5 or 6 stores to find Courtney some short black boots that were decently priced, and we were not successful. In order to make us feel better, we took a dinner break where I enjoyed this yummy Chick-Fil-A!

Saturday, I got to spend some quality date time with Brent. We went to Bob Evans for lunch (a typical Saturday or Sunday brunch for us). Then we ventured off to Hueston Woods, a state park near Miami, where we rented a two-person kayak and spent an hour and a half paddling out in the lake. It was the PERFECT day for it! I wish I had pictures, but I did not want to risk bringing my phone into the boat. The weather was about 73 degrees and sunny, and the trees surrounding the lake were all starting to turn colors. It was the most perfect day we could ask for to kayak! The other great part about it was that it only cost us $10! Such a unique and cheap date idea that I would recommend! 

For dinner, I met up with Courtney and Megan and we had delicious mozzarella and pesto grilled cheese on sourdough, (recipe thanks to pinterest), and tomato soup. For my last event of the night, I met up with Brent and our friends Matt and Megan at McDonalds to have some ice cream. It was a great weekend! So much fun time spent with Brent and my friends. I am so glad that I was able to enjoy the weekend, but now I've got to crack down and study for my exam tomorrow. Wish me luck! We'll see how this goes!

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