So lots has happened since I last posted! It's been Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. So I think today I'll post multiple pictures of some of the highlights of my weekend and then you can read about them. I also included a random music video that Mercedes, Gaby, and I decided to make about 2 weeks ago. It was 10 PM and we were bored, so this video is what you get! Believe it or not, there was no rehearsal or planning involved in this video ;).
This photo below was the start of my Saturday. After all afternoon cooking a red velvet birthday cake and turkey burgers, I went to an apartment complex to celebrate Mercedes' 22nd birthday. We had a cookout, hung out in the hot tub for a little while, and then went inside because it got down to about 40 degrees! It was ridiculously cold!
After the party, Courtney, Megan, Alicia, and I headed to the library to attempt to be productive. As you can see, we were not successful. We chose to study in the kid's library, and got a little distracted by the lovely puppet display. Crazy how awesome these puppets were!
I then went back to my dorm where Brent joined me for some end of the night studying. Not a whole lot got done here either, but I did manage to eat lots of food while Brent wrote emails :).
Sunday I spent the day studying uptown at a coffee place called Kofenya with Brent. I had an exam Monday, so I spent the day here. Such a lovely view since you sit against the window. You can feel like you are outside experiencing life even though you are stuck inside studying.
Sunday night, I agreed to help Brent with some much needed laundry, so we ventured to the laundromat to do lots of loads of laundry.
Monday, I had my second exam of the year, which went pretty well. After the exam, I spent the day uptown again enjoying some Starbucks in order to get closer to gold card status :).
Lastly, I attended my staff meeting, where I was awarded "Stella the Stellar Stegosaurus", who goes to the stellar RA of the week! Woohoo for me! Great end to the night. And that is the update on my life!