Sunday, October 14, 2012


Everyone, I'M ENGAGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so excited to share this story and all of my pictures with you! It was a fantastic day, and we are so blessed in this age that we have the ability to share with the world! To start, I'd like to share just a few facts about Brent and I and our relationship.

Brent and I met in high school. We were first in class together in 8th grade, but we started to notice each other in junior year history. I had a crush on him, and apparently he knew :). We didn't talk, but there were definitely a few moments in the hall where I got the vibe that we really wanted to! When summer after junior year came along, I got preoccupied and forgot about things for a while. All that changed when he and his brother Jon came in to the world of DQ one day, where I worked at the time. My feelings came rushing back, and there is still an argument to this day of whether he sat on the booth facing the register or away from the register. (In my opinion, he sat facing away, and I was not able to spy on him!) Later that day, he posted on my Facebook wall, and I knew things were going to happen. To shorten the story a little, school started and we ended up in environmental science together. We starting dating at a high school football game on September 5, 2008. This was our senior year of high school. When college came around, we tearfully said our goodbyes and went off to two different schools. I myself went to Taylor University in Indiana, and he went to Miami University in Ohio. We tried our best to see each other as much as we could, which was about every two or three weeks. After this hard year apart, I decided it was best for me to switch my major to speech pathology, and since it was not offered at Taylor, I transferred to Miami University where Brent was. (My parents did not buy the argument that it was all about the major!) After the transfer, it was hard to adjust, but I love my school now, and Brent and I have had so many precious memories that never would have had! I would never take back my freshman year at Taylor, but I am so glad we've had this time for our relationship to grow and to have these years to look back on together!

On September 5th this year, we celebrated our four year anniversary, and now here we are today! After 4 years, 1 month, and 7 days, we are now engaged!!! I can't believe it's happening, but it's been a long time coming and I can't imagine my future without him! Here is the story of our day!

It was October 12th, and we were celebrating my birthday. We were home in Cary for our fall break at Miami. As of that morning, I only guessed that we were going into the city. Brent picked me up and informed me that we were taking the train to the city, and we would be going to the Signature Room on the top of the Hancock building! After grabbing some coffee at the Cary train station, we boarded the train and enjoyed the beautiful fall scenery outside. Brent did not seem nervous or any different than normal. Once we arrived in Chicago, we grabbed a taxi and rode it across the city to the Hancock. This site was sentimental to us because our first date ever was in Chicago for a group project, and our first picture ever was right outside the Cheesecake Factory. We rode the elevator up to the top of the building and waiting in the waiting room for our reservation.

When we were led to our table, this was waiting for us. There were special roses with a birthday note for me, two glasses of champagne, and a personalized menu for my birthday. Not to mention the view!

We sat at our table enjoying the wonderful clear view that we had at our table. We were so lucky to get a clear day! It was the perfect time of night, and we got to see the sunset, and then the lights in the city turn on in the darkness. After enjoying a great time together and an amazing steak, Brent went to the bathroom. Little did I know, he was giving the ring to the manager. When Brent came back, he couldn't eat his steak anymore. He blamed it on being full, but really he was anxious for what was to come :). Suddenly, the waiter came from behind he and placed a dish in front of me. He told me that the chocolate was a box, and that I could open it! My heart started racing as I thought, what's in the box?!?!
When I opened it up and saw the ring, I was in shock! I could not believe that it was real! I do not recall the words that I said or what my face looked like, but I'm sure it was shock! 

I looked to Brent, and he was wide eyed with a smile on his face. He told me a few things that I will leave for us to remember forever, but then asked me if I would marry him. Of course there was no question in my mind! I told him yes, and he placed the ring on my finger :). Here's the best picture I can give. 

After this moment, all of Brent's nerves were released, and I believe they were transferred to me! I could not believe it was real, and I believe all I could say was, waaaaa!!! We enjoyed these moments with the most beautiful view I could ever imagine, and the restaurant gave us a congratulatory dessert. All of the staff were coming over to us and congratulating us. It was an amazing time :). 

We had the waiter take some pictures of us, and I am so happy that we will be able to remember this moment for so long in the future!

After enjoying the night for as long as we could, we made our way downstairs. On the way, Brent shared the story with a man outside of the bathroom, and we also talked to a few random people while waiting for the elevator. When in the elevator, a girl looked at us and knew what had happened, so she gave Brent a smile and a thumbs up. I felt like everyone in the world knew, and I had to keep myself from announcing it to the people in the elevator! When we got down to the street, I believed everyone could tell that we just got engaged, and that they were all admiring my ring. I believe this was my imagination :). We had a few girls take some photos of us in the same spot that we took our first photo ever! 

To add to the wonderful evening, a limo picked us up outside of the building, and we rode back from the city to enjoy a night of celebration with our families. It was a wonderful night of just celebrating with our immediate family, and we decided to share with the world on Saturday morning! 

For all of you who congratulated us, thank you so much! I cannot believe how much love we received, and how many amazing friends and family we have! We are so excited for the future, and can't wait to celebrate with you all! Thank you all! Prayers for our engagement would be greatly appreciated! We hope to continue serving the Lord in our planning, and hope that we can enjoy every minute and grow stronger in our relationship! I'm sure there will be more wedding posts to come :). 

1 comment:

  1. An absolutely precious and wonderful story. I am so happy for you and Brent. He is such a great guy and I know that together you will accomplish great things.
    Love you both,
    Grampa Blodgett
