Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Maggianos Birthday Dinner

I know this post will be hard to follow considering the last one, but I have to start somewhere! I would like to go back and post about last Wednesday, when I celebrated my birthday with my friends at Maggianos. We enjoyed some amazing family-style food that included mozzarella marinara, sausage and peppers, caesar salad, four-cheese ravioli, and Rigatoni D pasta. So delicious! I was cheesed out by the end of the night! It was such a fun night, and little did I know, everyone but me was aware that we were getting engaged in two days! I am so blessed to have found such a great friend group at Miami! Since I transferred for my sophomore year, I came in with a disadvantage because everyone had already made friends. Thanks to Brent, he introduced me to his great group, and they welcomed me in! I have now found other close friends here through my own activities. This dinner was a great reminder to me of how many amazing and supportive people I have in my life. It is also fantastic to be able to have mutual friends with Brent because it makes it so fun to spend time together! Now that we are engaged, they are completely supportive, and I can't thank them enough! I am so lucky!

My fiance and I...can't believe I'm saying that!!

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