Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Denim on Denim

Busy busy day today! Basically busy life in general. Sometimes I think I am over-committed, but there's really nothing I can drop right now. Right now I'm working two jobs as an RA and a waitress, I am the president of a ballet club, an educational programming chair in NSSLHA at Miami (National Student Speech Language and Hearing Association), going to church, and still taking 6 classes. Along with that, I've got to apply to graduate school, study for the GRE, and make time for friends. It's been a crazy year, but I try to take it day by day so that I do not get overwhelmed.

Today was booked, but I enjoyed my day. I think often times if I shower and put together a nice outfit, my attitude for the day is so much more positive. I told this to Brent today, and he said, "You're such a girl." I'm about as girly as it gets! It is something that I like about myself most of the time.

Today, one of my most fun events was interviewing my Grandma for a gerontology paper. I asked her lots of questions about aging, her views on her life at this point, and her background. It was so interesting to talk to her about these issues because they do not normally come up in a typical conversation. I enjoyed learning more about her and hearing about her life!

Funny moment of the day/ confession...while doing a group project in one of the therapy rooms in the speech clinic, I spilled half a bowl of ramen on the floor. It's going to be a fun surprise tomorrow when people go in there to do therapy and it reeks of artificial chicken flavoring!! To all you speechies at Miami, don't tell on me! ;) (For those of you who do not know, "speechie" is the name we call a person studying speech pathology).

Here is my outfit post of the day. I'm being crazy and sporting some denim on denim! It was my little fashion risk today :).

 Love these jeans because they have zippers and pockets on the side, which make them unique.

Not a clear shot, but a cool night photo of the quad.

Bling and pink of course!

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