Saturday, October 6, 2012

It's Bonus Day!

Wow, it's been a while since I last posted! Sometimes I wait until the last minute at night, and I'm too tired. This weekend has been great, and is going to continue! I've had exams on Monday the past two weeks, so most weekends I've been stressing and spending most of my time studying. The reason that I call Saturday bonus day is because I do not have classes on Fridays, so Fridays seem like Saturdays, and Saturdays feel like a bonus day! You can read about this theory in more detail in one of my previous posts. 

The highlight of my past few days was going to Chick-Fil-A yesterday with all of Brent's housemates and his brother and sister Jon and Lauren. After enjoying some chicken strips and waffle fries, Lauren, Megan, and one of their other friends Abby went Uptown to a new boutique. We had fun trying on some clothes and spending time together. It started pouring rain last night, which of course, I enjoyed. We left the boutique just as it started, and I was stuck on duty for the duration of the night dealing with the crazy women of Hamilton Hall. I really love my job, but sometimes weekends are hard being in charge of two halls when the majority of women come back intoxicated. I will be soooo glad when I graduate and don't have to be a mom to 150 other women! 

Here are some of the highlights of my life the past few days in pictures! The weekend has just begun, so there will be another post soon. My new delicious choice of breakfast and the occasional lunch :). 

New cheetah shirt with turquoise, loving the combo this fall.

The gorgeous and most photographed building in Ohio, which just happens to be right on my quad! MacCracken Hall!  

My lovely home for this year and last, Hamilton Hall. You can't see it too well because of the trees, but it's a great place! I'll take a picture once all the leaves are gone sometime. 

Mercedes and I on our way to dinner at my place of work, 1809. We shop together a lot, and as you can tell, we have very similar taste!

My hottie boyfriend, Brent, sporting an outfit that I especially loved :). Looking good with his blue shorts, sperrys, white polo, and grey sweater.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoying your blog.
    Nice pictures.
    You are good at this.
