Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Trust in Him

Monday calls for comfy clothes. This lovely Monday, I enjoyed getting a chance to wear my new sweater and spiky necklace along with comfy leggings and boots. It was great because I was very busy with my three classes, meeting with a professor, lunch with a friend, and lots of other random errands and meetings. Mondays are always very busy for me. I can't believe I am up right now writing this! I am going to regret it in the morning...

Being weird, as usual :)

I do not have any really exciting to say today, so I'd like to share a little saying that is on a plaque next to my bed. A resident gave it to me last year as a gift. It was such a nice gesture! Speaking of being an RA, it has been an amazing experience, and I'm so thankful that God allowed me to serve in this way! I think that I am a good person for the job, and I truly have a passion for my residents. I really do want to be there for them when they need help, and I love every opportunity I get when they actually come to me. Don't get me wrong, I will be so happy when I am not responsible for dealing with drunken girls vomiting and having to lock the kitchen due to too many messes, but these are not the majority of issues that I deal with as an RA. Most of the time I just get to know a very unique group of women who all have different backgrounds and stories. I am going to appreciate being responsible for myself only once I graduate, but I do love the opportunity that I have now. Anyways, here is the verse.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3: 5-6

This verse is very pertinent in my life right now because I am at a point where lots of decisions are being made for my future, and my life is going in a whole new direction. Lately, I've been praying for direction in where I am supposed to go to graduate school, and where Brent is supposed to work. This verse gives me encouragement in my worries. God has control over the plans, and I will trust that he has my best interest in mind. I've seen him lead me to the perfect places many times in my life, and I have confidence that he will do it again. It is such a relief to know that I am being taken care of! On that note, I hope that all of you reading this are trusting God with your lives, and are following his direction. I know that he has led me to know you, and I am very thankful! I would not be who I am without you!

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